Avel flight School | E-Showroom
Avel flight School | E-Showroom
Avel Flight School is India’s premier FAA Part 141 approved flight school. Avel Flight School’s Flight Dispatch and Ground Handling is a one year diploma program geared to train potential candidates for job placement in the Aviation Industry. This course is currently offered at our branch in Chennai, India. This diploma program is designed to prepare you for entry level positions in the aviation industry, namely in the flight operations and ground handling departments. On completion of this course some of the jobs you will be qualified to apply are: Assistant Flight Dispatcher Graduate Trainee Station Manager Ground Attendant Reservations Sales Agent Load Planner Operations Manager Air Freight Agent Flight Operations Assistant Aircraft Fueller Passenger Service Agent Ticket Agent Baggage and Air Cargo Handler Agent Operations Contact: Avel Flight School 24, 3rd Cross Street, Bakkiyathammal Nagar, Padi Chennai – 600 050 Tel: +91 44 42849829 Mob: +91 9176938882 / 9176938884 Website: www.avelflightschool.com Email :avelaviation@gmail.com
Year Established
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